whats an aldin-gild?

In the naming of this new society, the author looked to his ancestral languages, namely Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse.
The author took it upon himself to study these languages, Old Norse a bit more, in order to better understand certain things about the culture. These languages seem much more artful then our current iteration of English and both contributed to its evolution. Language is one of the main bridges into our ancestry; understanding where we came from and what was once meant as opposed to what is meant now.
"If we understand what happened yesterday, we can intelligently discuss today, because today is built on yesterday, and tomorrow is built on today," so spoke Dr. Khalid Muhammad. And this is true.
Some of you, indeed many, will not understand the entirety of the passages below; they come from a famous dictionary of Old Norse, The Cleasby-Vigfusson Old Norse to English Dictionary.
Aldin, n., dat. Aldini, [dan. Olden; a scandinavian radical word...], gener. Fruit of trees, including apples, nuts, acorns, and sometimes berries; gras ok aldin ok jarðar ávöxtr allr, herbs, fruits, and earth’s produce
  • It originally meant wild fruits, nuts and acorns;
  • Garden fruit;
  • Compd: aldins-garðr, m. A fruit-garden, orchard,

Gildi, n. [gjalda; ulf. Gild = tribute, luke xx. 22, mark xii. 14; a.s. gild; hel. Geld; frank. Chalta; germ. Geld = money; it remains in old engl. Weregild]:

  1. Payment, tribute; this sense is very rare, as gjald (q.v.) is the common word; chiefly used in compds, as nef-gildi, head-tax; baug-gildi, q.v.; skatt-gildi, a tax; skulda-gildi, payment of debts,
  2. Recompense; in the saying, æ sér til gildis gjöf
  3. Value; (ex: al-gildi, full-gildi, hálf-gildi, whole, full, half value;
    ið-gilði or í-gildi, equivalence; hon er karlmanns-ígildi.)
  4. Worth, value, esteem;
    • The phrase, vera í miklu, litlu, engu gildi, to be in great, small, no repute;
  5. A banquet, feast,
    • [Cp. Dan. Gilde; so called from the fee paid?], eg. 20 sqq., edda 45, 57, fb. I. 283, gþl. 178, freq. In old poems; the poetical mead is called gauta gildi, kormak; or gildi grjótaldar, the cheer of the giants; gefa úlfum gildi, to feast the wolves, lex. Poët.; to this seems to belong the passage in vsp. 27, hvárt skyldi æsir afrað gjalda eðr skyldi goðin öll gildi eiga, where the eiga gildi means to hold a feast, with the notion of making a league or peaceful agreement, as opp. To gjalda afrað (q.v.), to pay tribute as a badge of submission.
  6. In a technical sense, a guild, throughout England and Scandinavia during the middle ages; the first guilds in norway were instituted by king olave (1066–1093),
    • The guilds were secular brotherhoods or trades’ unions (and often became political clubs); they assumed the names of saints or sacred things, as kross-gildi, cross-guild; Ólafs-gildi, St. Olave’s guild (in norway); Knúts-gildi, St. Canute’s guild (in denmark), and so on...

In Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, the term Aldin is a surname built by the adjective eald and the noun wine, "old" and "friend", respectively. The definitions below were taken directly from the Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary.

Eald, ald/green; adj. comp. yldra, eldra, eoldra; sup. yldest.

  1. old, ancient;
  2. eminent, great, exalted

Wine, es; m. A friend.
  1. Applied to a friend;
  2. applied to one who can help or protect, a friendly lord, a (powerful) friend
  3. used of a husband or lover
  4. applied to an inferior or subordinate, one to whom favour or protection may be shewn

Gild in Anglo-Saxon is nearly as complex as its Old Norse cousin.

gild, geld, gield, gyld. es; n.
  1. a payment of money, a tribute, compensation, retribution, substitute;
  2. Guild, society or club, to which payments were made for mutual protection and support, more extensive than our friendly societies;
    [societas, fraternitas. The members of the A. Sax. guild were answerable for each other's conduct, and thus character was made of the very greatest importance.]
  3. A payment to God, worship.
  4. a heathen deity;
  5. a visible object of worship, an idol;